InsuranceLink Users will be charged on the basis of their usage of InsuranceLink as measured by the number of searches performed by them. The new fee structure was signed off by ILOC
(InsuranceLink Oversight Committee)) earlier in 2023. The revised fee structure for the use of InsuranceLink, which ensures that fees are applied on a fair, objective, transparent and non-discriminatory basis for all InsuranceLink users and is based on usage with a minimum usage annual fee applied to each user. Link to the “Principles of Revised Fee Structure for InsuranceLink Users”
here. The minimum usage annual fee is €6,150 and is charged per quarter at €1,537.50. Both figures vat inclusive. This amount is paid by each user regardless of the number of searches completed. Once a user goes beyond the maximum number of searches covered by the quarterly minimum usage charge, the fee structure model is configured to reflect remaining costs to be absorbed and remaining number of searches to be billed accordingly. Any additional information required, please send a direct email to